add Owener
para reclamar seus premios na pagina
1 passo clickar em gosto no cimo da pagina.
2 passo add os owner admin.criadores
3 passo add os criadores > breeder
obrigado e nao esquecer de partilhar a pagina
to claim their prizes in the page
Step 1 click in like the top of the page.
Step 2 add the owner admin.creators
Step 3 Add the creators> breeder
Thank you and do not forget to share the page withyour friends
to claim their prizes in the page
Step 1 click in like the top of the page.
Step 2 add the owner admin.creators
Step 3 Add the creators> breeder
Thank you and do not forget to share the page withyour friends
list creators
Owner Admin/breeder...